Tuesday, November 14, 2006
3 - 0

Seventh graders won their 3rd game of the year yesterday as they defeated the Hawley Nuggets. It is great to see them be successful in the younger grades. I know that old adage of "winning isn't everything" is of course true but I also know that losing flat out "stinks"! Nothing kills excitement, desire and eagerness as easily as working hard and not meeting success. Creating a "losing" tradition is much easier than creating a "winning" tradition but even more alarming is that the power of "defeatism" that develops in losing programs can be more powerful than the power of confidence that is created in winning programs.
There is a fine line we walk in junior high basketball. I want to give each girl a positive experience with the hope that she will begin to "Dream Big and Work to WIN!" but I also want the girls to win games at that level. I tell the coaches to strive to give each player a quality amount of playing time but if there is an opportunity to win the game we should go after that win. Sometimes this means we play extra quarters so some players get to challenge themselves in game situations . . . I really believe the girls will all have more fun when they belong to a successful team.
My own experience. . . in junior high I played very little. . . I wasn't as good as some of my classmates.
Was it fun to sit? Nope.
Did I enjoy playing basketball with my friends? Yes.
Was it rewarding? Yes.
The experience was rewarding enough that eventually I started to work harder than my teammates and eventually ended up passing many of them on my way to starting varsity my junior year. My point. . . with the right guidance a young player can play less at the lower levels and still excel later in their career. It is my belief that the coaches are a big part of this guidance but the ULTIMATE support and encouragement comes from your parents.
Hope, Faith and Love. . .