Tuesday, November 28, 2006
You Might As Well "J.U.M.P."

Rick Raisier from Foley, Minnesota came to Pelican Rapids to do a teamwork/motivational clinic for both the boys’ and girls’ basketball teams. The boys had a three hour morning session and the girls followed them with their own 3 hour session. The only downside of the event. . . I didn’t take pictures to post on the blog! Had the camera, had the time, but got caught up in the “power” of the presentation and totally let the opportunity slip by.
SIDE NOTE: Some people may wonder what our program does with the money we raise from our annual Shada 3 on 3 basketball tournament. Here is a great example of that money at work. The money’s soul purpose is to benefit or aid in the development of girls in our program. With the pizza that followed this event we dropped a little over $450.00. The presentation was probably one of the best, if not the best, $450.00 that we have spent.
Rick Raiseir is most identified with being a one-man volleyball team. He has played over 8000 volleyball games against all sorts of 6 person teams, including state champions, and has not lost! We did not play volleyball during this clinic but what he covered in the area of teamwork, handling adversity, attitude, etc. . . was more impressive than him beating a championship caliber team.
The activities he had were excellent and Rick always followed them up with an important message dealing with aspects of basketball and life. The best part was that not only were the girls learning things about themselves they were also having a blast.
Here is Rick’s web site address: http://www.jumpcc.com/index.htm
He does these teambuilding activities for a variety of groups. He also does large group presentations and has a ropes and climbing “challenge course” set up in his back yard for groups to visit during the summer months.