Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Back to Back VICTORIES!

Above is a picture of Kelcey Lass in action during our game at Fergus Falls Hillcrest. We played a solid game of basketball at Hillcrest. . . especially on the defensive end and came away with a 43 to 14 victory.
Last night we produced back to back wins by defeating Breckenridge 47 to 39 for a solid Heart O' Lakes conference victory. As in the Hillcrest game, it proved to be our defense that made the difference. We were down by 9 points at one point in the first half but once we started to apply a little more defensive pressure things started to go our way.
The ole' adage that "winning isn't everything" is totally true. . . however. . . winning sure puts a smile on a face!
The B-squad won their first game of the year on Monday! We are in an ever-changing situation with our b-team this year:
•We started off with Chelsea Bjerke and Haley Hoyer playing on b-team with the thought that they would eventually just play varsity when the 8th graders season was over and they moved up to play b-squad.
•We cut the 8th grade season short because of low numbers and injuries, which has allowed us to pull the “Fantastic 4 + 1” up earlier than expected. The game is so much quicker and more physical at the b-squad level but I have really been pleased with the effort that these 8th graders have been giving.
•Once the Christmas break is over we will again be making a major change to our b-team. I have decided that we are going to move the 8th graders down to mix with any 7th graders who decide to move up and play a 10 game C-squad schedule.
This “extra-season” for our 7th and 8th graders is such a bonus. If you think about all the traveling tournaments that a parent can get their kids involved in and you think about the cost and the hassle of finding a coach and transportation. . . well here is a situation where a coach is provided, transportation is provided and the cost? Zero!
What a huge benefit to the girls who have an opportunity to work on their skills for another month and a half. . . I hope we get a good turn-out of our seventh graders. . . right now it looks like our 8th graders are starting to DREAM BIG. . .and are WORKING TO WIN!
This morning I came into school and there was Ashley Morgan, Kristen Haugen and Taylor Larson shooting free-throws. For a coach that is as good as it gets! Imagine waking up on Christmas morning and seeing all the presents under the tree.(older readers. . . think young!) That’s exactly what it feels like to see girls playing hoops when they don’t have to!
Life is good in Viking country and it looks like it is only getting better!