Wednesday, April 04, 2007
SHADA (SHA dah) is Ojibwa for “pelican”

Registration forms are ready to be filled out by basketball players both young and old for the 14th annual Shada 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament that will be held on June 15th, 16th and 17th in Pelican Rapids, Minnesota.
Where to get the forms:
Elementary Office
High School Office
Call Doug Bruggeman at 218-863-4388
go on line to -->
email Doug Bruggeman at
Tournament Information:
Entering it’s 14th summer, the Shada has become one of the most popular 3 on 3 Basketball Tournaments in upper Minnesota. We annually draw over 600 players to the community of Pelican Rapids to compete in male and female divisions ranging from 3rd grade to 35+.
The goal of the Shada is to provide players with a fun and competitive environment in which to test their skills
Men, women, boys and girls ages nine to ninety are invited to participate in this event. Divisions will be established based on age and skill level.
June 16 & 17 - Junior High to Adult Divisions will be played on both Saturday and Sunday.
June 15 - Elementary Night – One Day event starting around 2:00 P.M.
The location of the "Shada" is the Pelican Rapids High School and Elementary School gymnasiums.
Each member of your team must fill out and sign this form. If you are under the age of 18 you must have a consenting adult sign the form.
Mail the registration form plus the entry fee to:
Box 274
Pelican Rapids MN, 56572
$52.00/Team Early bird fee post marked April 30th
$60.00/Team Regular fee post marked May 31st
$36.00/Team Elem. early bird-marked April 30th
$40.00/Team Elem. fee -post marked May 31st
***Registration Deadline is May 31st***
•Games will be officiated by the players involved in the game. We emphasize honesty and fair play to insure the quality of the game. The offense will call the foul.(Refs provided for elementary divisions)
•If problems or disagreements do arise the official assigned to your court, known as a "courtaker" can be called upon to judge the situation.
• Generally 8+ teams in a division
•If a division is not filled by June 6th we will cancel the division and return the entrance fee.
•The first stage of the tournament, in most divisions, will be the round-robin games. Teams will be divided into pools. Each team will play against the opponents in their pool. These games will be played to 15 points(11 points in elem.) with a 20 minute time limit. It is the rankings in pool play that will determine a team’s seed in the single elimination stage of the tournament.
•In the second stage of the tournament teams will be placed in brackets for a single elimination shoot-out. These single elimination games will be played to 21(15 points in elem.) with a 25 minute time limit.
•Fouls will be recorded in each game. No player will foul out but after 7 team fouls the team being fouled will be awarded a free throw and possession of the ball on a missed shot. On a made shot the team will get a free throw and possession will be switched on a make or miss. (FT rules change in the last minutes of a game to a change of possession on any make or miss)
1 pt. per-basket inside 3 point line
2 pts. per-basket outside 3 point. line
1 pt for a free-throw
Awards will be given to the top 3 finishing teams in each division including the elementary divisions.
Elementary (played on Friday, June 15th)
Boys-3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th grade
Girls-3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th grade
Male Divisions (Sat & Sun, June 16 & 17)
•Junior High experience
•B-Squad experience
•Varsity experience
•Post High School
•Post High School College Experience
•35 years and older
Female Divisions(Sat & Sun, June 16 & 17)
•Junior High experience
•B-Squad experience
•Varsity experience
•Post High School
Grade, ages and playing experience
are prior to June 1st, 2007.
•Age, experience level and height will be factors in
placing teams in the correct division.
•The most experienced player on your team will
usually dictate your team’s placement. 4 player limit on all teams
• There is no charge for fans. Please bring your own balls for practice. No more than 4 players per team.
•An informational packet will be mailed out to team
captains on June 9th. Check in time, first game assignment
and a complete list of rules will be included