Tuesday, November 27, 2007
"Crows Nest" - Week 3

Week 3 – From the Crow’s Nest
Practice Schedule:
Monday – 3:25 to 5:45
Tuesday – FIRST GAME - Hillcrest - Home
****Uniforms will be picked up in the office before games
****B-squad be dressed and ready by 5:30
****Varsity be at the gym by 5:55 – Sit Together
Wednesday – Late Practice – Weight Room at 4:45
Thursday – 3:25 to 5:30
Friday – HOME GAME - Perham.
Saturday – “Tip Off Classic” in FERGUS FALLS
Great line up of teams. . . come if you want. . . program will cover expenses!!!
11:00 – Martin Iron-Buhl vs. Ada Borup
12:45 - DGF vs. Albany
2:30 – Crookston vs. Park of Cottage Grove
4:15 - Rogers vs. Lakeville North
6:00 - Centennial vs. Moorhead
7:45 – Fergus Falls vs. Becker
*We can decide when we want to go. . . Maybe get there in time for the DGF game. . .We can skip the Rogers vs. Lakeville North game??? And go out to eat. I love the Pizza Ranch Buffet!!!!
Beyond the Horizon
→ Just a reminder that our game vs. Frazee in December has been moved to the 20th. This will be a double header with the boys
→ We have also changed the date of our February game at Frazee and that will also be a boy/girl doubleheader. New date Tuesday, February 12th.
Game Day Thoughts:
*Be home by 9:00 and start settling in for the night.
*Think about getting to bed around 10:00
*Have a good breakfast to start the day out right.
*Drink a good amount of fluids starting the day before.
-Start mentally preparing during the day. Get excited about the opportunity to perform.
-B-Squad be in the locker room by 5:10 – Stretch and Do Shooting Progression
-Varsity – Be in the gym by the start of the B-Game
-Sit together by the bench
-Watch the action on the court. . . Often times the b-squads do what the varsity will do
-Get serious. . .it helps you get mentally sharp.
-Go into locker room when B-squad comes up.
-Change, Stretch and do the first parts of the shooting progression.
-As you are stretching and working through the progression begin to visualize the action on the court
-When coach comes in you should be ready to listen and focused.
-The 20 minutes prior to the game are for you to blend your mental focus with your physical being
-When the ball is tipped. . . be ready to "GATA"